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Microneedling Benefits | How does it work?
Treatment Guides

Microneedling Benefits | How does it work?

What is Microneedling

Microneedling is your go-to for collagen production within the skin, in fact it is also called Collagen Inducing therapy. By using hundreds of tiny needles to puncture the skin, the natural would -heal response is triggered and so the stimulation of collagen occurs.

There are many types of microneedling devices but at-home microneedling can not be compared to professional in-clinic treatments. In a clinic which uses an effective microneedling device, numbing cream is applied so that the needles can reach the required depth in the dermis to stimulate collagen induction – anything else simply pierces the surface of the skin.

How does it work

Collagen is an essential protein in the body that gives structure to your skin, bones and muscles and rebuilds damage done to the connective tissues i.e. scarring etc… After the age of 30 our production of collagen decreases considerably year by year causing the natural ageing process to begin as a result of the reduction of collagen.

By puncturing the skin we can stimulate the natural collagen-producing response that our body does whenever we have a cut or graze. It is therefore also a highly recommended treatment to heal scarring, and pigmentation as well as produce firmer, plumper skin.


Should I use it

If you are concerned with ageing, pigmentation or have scars that you would like to fade then microneedling is a treatment to be considered. Microneedling results in firmer, plumper and healthy skin and each treatment stimulates collagen for up to 12 months. When deciding on microneedling it is important to consider the safety of the treatment as it is puncturing the skin. The SkinPen device is the only FDA approved microneedling device available which is approved for efficacy and safety which is why we use it at thespaCLINIC.

A course is usually recommended to start the collagen production in the area to be treated and then maintenance treatments are required for treating ageing.


Microneedling is a very effective treatment if used with the correct device to puncture the skin to the depth required in the dermis to stimulate collagen. Have a consultation with a trained therapist to find out more and discuss how they carry out the treatment.

An anaesthetic numbing cream is advised to make the treatment comfortable. Immediately after microneedling the skin is very red and feels like sunburn but this fades within a few hours. After 24 hours makeup can be worn and skin has calmed considerably.